XCore Pricing (Draft)

XCore Pricing

A client may form one XCore Group by combining any three Live XCore instances to take advantage of Volume Fee discounts. Any additional Live XCore instances will be calculated individually.

UAT XCore instances, used for integration/conformance testing, are available free of charge upon request.

The Live XCore Fee is equal to the maximum (not the sum) of Instance, Connectivity and Volume Fees. 

Live XCore Fee = Max (Instance Fees, Connectivity Fees, Volume Fees)

 Instance, Connectivity, Volume, and Transaction Fees are different fee groups defined below.

1. Instance Fees

Each XCore instance is charged a fixed monthly minimum fee. The Instance Fees are the sum of all such fees. 

Fee Group Item Price Description
Instance Fees XCore Instance $2500 Minimum fee of $2500 per each xcore instance.

2. Connectivity Fees

Connectivity via each connectivity interface which has been enabled on more than 2 days during the billing period is charged a fixed monthly fee. The Connectivity Fees are the sum of all such fees

Fee GroupItemPriceDescription
Connectivity FeesFIX Taker$50Connectivity via each XCore Trader or FIX Taker is charged a fixed monthly fee of $50. Included are one pricing and one trading connection. Quote Logging is charged an additional $50 per month.
MT4/5 Taker$1000Connectivity via each MT4 or MT5 Taker is charged a fixed monthly fee of $1000.
Included are one pricing and one trading connection, one bridge and one feeder.
PrimeXM_FIX44 Maker$400Connectivity via each FIX Maker is charged a fixed monthly fee of $400.
Included are one pricing and one trading connection.
Other FIX Maker$600Connectivity via each non PrimeXM_FIX44 FIX Maker is charged a fixed monthly fee of $600. Included are one pricing and one trading connection.
Others$200Any other type of connectivity is charged a fixed monthly fee of $200 per each connection.

3. Volume Fees

Volume Fees are charged monthly according to the below Volume Fee Schedule and are the sum of all such fees. Volume is measured in millions of USD notional, denoted as [M]. Volume Fees are adjusted by applying a discount that is calculated based on the total trading volume transacted in an XCore Group.

Volume Fee Schedule:

Fee GroupItemFormulaDescription
Volume FeesXCore Group Volume 1.00 [USD/M]XCore Group Volume is the total ABook trading Volume
executed with XCore Instances of the same XCore Group.
ABook and Margined BBook 2.00 [USD/M] * DiscountABook Volume is the total trading volume executed with
external Makers. Margined BBook Volume is the total BBook
trading volume margined with XCore.
Non Margined
 1.00 [USD/M] * DiscountNon Margined BBook Volume is the total
BBook trading Volume that is not margined.
Crypto 10.00 [USD/M] * DiscountCrypto Volume is the total trading Volume
executed  from Crypto Asset Classes.
Instance Fees
Connectivity Fees
Volume Fees
Discount Curve