MT Analytics
real time position and exposure analytics
PrimeXM MT Analytics is a powerful reporting and analytics tool, that allows users to run a variety of trade reports for a specified time interval. It also offers valuable business insight through real-time positions and exposure monitoring, client profiling based on trading activity for all trades processed within the MetaTrader Server for any combination of groups and accounts.
Key Features​
- Generate Orders Reports i.e for closed trades, two entries will appear for each side of the trade
- Generate Trades Reports i.e for closed trades, one entry will appear for both sides of the trade
- Real-Time tracking and monitoring of accumulated open position

- Real-Time tracking and monitoring of currency exposure
- Real-Time tracking and monitoring of Value at Risk (VaR)
- Client profiling and classification based on historical trading activity
We are here to help you!
We can help you identify the most sophisticated solution for your business and answer any queries about our products and services. Request a call back and one of our advisers will be in touch.